Pretty much everything we do takes energy—whether it’s electricity from the power grid, gasoline to run our vehicles, or jet fuel for the airplanes we take for business and vacation. The less energy we use, the less we rely on fossil fuels to generate it. Take the pledge to follow these tips to reduce your energy consumption in your daily life.

Energy Challenges

turn off lights when not in use

-10 points-

Daily Action

unplug small appliances  when not in use

-10 points-

Daily Action

change to led lightbulbs

-25 points-

One-time Action

control indoor temperature efficiently

-10 points-

Daily Action

reduce screen time

-10 points-

Daily Action

turn off computers and electronics at the power strip

-10 points-

Daily Action

unplug chargers when not in use

-10 points-

Daily Action

wash your clothes in cold water

-10 points-

Daily Action

buy carbon offsets for deliveries

-10 points-

Daily Action