Water is a precious resource in many parts of the world. And while it’s abundant in Winnetka—we enjoy the Skokie Lagoons and Lake Michigan right outside our back doors—it’s always a good idea to conserve. Conserving water in our community also conserves the energy it takes to purify it and get it into our homes and businesses. Learning some simple behaviors to conserve water can also be useful when traveling to an area that is not quite so fortunate!
Water Challenges

take shorter showers
-10 points-
Daily Action

install a rain barrel
-25 points-
One-time Acction

-10 points-
Daily Action

run the dishwasher and washing machine only when full
-10 points-
Daily Action

install water-saving shower heads
-25 points-
One-time Action

fix running toilets and leaky faucets
-25 points-
One-time Action

reduce microplastics that enter our water supply
-25 points-
One-time Action

Install water-saving faucet aerators
-25 points-
One-time Action